Friday, May 28, 2021

Lawn Mowers and Electrification


Caleb is the one who usually mows the lawn at our house. Gotta love that cheap child labor! He gets better at it every summer 💜💜

Last year we took advantage of a $300 Provo city rebate (see link below) to replace our gas mower with an electric one. It is quieter and lighter than our old one, foldable, quick-charging (Caleb can mow more than once on a single charge), doesn't fume up our garage, is cheaper to run since we don't have to buy gas for it....and it cuts the grass just as well as the old one. Wins all around. 

Best of all, like an electric car, it releases waaaaay less CO2 into the atmosphere, which means it contributes less to unhealthy air and climate change.

Yeah, we have to charge it in part on the power grid, which runs partly on coal, but studies say running on the grid vs. gas *still* releases fewer emissions, even when manufacture of the item is taken into account (also true for electric cars!). And electric mowers and cars will only get greener as more of the grid turns electric--Provo's grid is trying to go 60% renewable by 2030 🥳

(Check out a link below to a neat tool to see how much better various electric cars are for the air on your specific grid.) 

Electrification of homes and vehicles is one of the big things that needs to happen in the fight against climate change, since emission-free electricity--whether by solar, wind, nuclear, or geothermal--is possible...but emission-free gas burning is not.

So choose electric over gas appliances and vehicles whenever you can! Even choose electric over natural gas, which doesn't produce as *much* CO2, but still produces plenty.

See links below for the local electric mower rebate, the statewide rebate mailing list, and EV calculator. The rebate I used is for residents of Provo, Spanish Fork, Nephi, Manti, and Salem. (There was a statewide buyback last year, but it filled.)

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