Friday, May 21, 2021

Mother's Day Garden

o here's what Peter built me for Mother's Day. Aren't they gorgeous? I had no idea when I married him that he'd grow up to build cool stuff for me, but sometimes life has happy surprises! Best of all, he claims to enjoy making stuff, so I don't feel *too* guilty. Check out the cool wattle fence he built, too, so our blind dog Gizmo won't fall off the terrace anymore 😳

Despite having had gardens for the last 10 years, I still have a ton to learn about gardening (as you can see by my wilty zinnias), but having a garden can be a great "green" practice--it costs less energy to get the food on your table, hopefully uses fewer chemicals, and you're less likely to waste produce you worked hard to, well, produce.

In coming years, I want to learn more about regenerative gardening, which can does a good job of keeping carbon in the soil rather than the atmosphere. Farmers (like 30% of farms in America) who have transitioned to these methods say they are not only good for the air and the climate, but good for their farms' productivity and bottom lines.

Here are some resources if this sounds interesting to you, too (I'll link in my bio on Instagram):

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