Friday, June 11, 2021

Thanks to Grandma!

Grandma has taken us on a trip to the northern California coast. I'm so excited to spend some time in a part of the world where I made some early outdoor  memories.

Our oceans are climate change warriors. They absorb heat, and the tiny organisms that live in them gobble up CO2. But all that warming-up contributes to bigger and bigger storms, melting ice caps/disappearing beaches, and changes in where fish can live. It also makes the oceans more acidic, making it harder for them to live at all.

So electrify where you can! Go here before you buy fish:!
And call ALL the legislators--tell them you are concerned about climate change.

For today, I'm happy to be here to witness this beautiful place as it is now. And to get away from the too-early 100+ forecast temps in Northern Utah. Thanks for the vaycay, Mom! 

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