Sunday, March 27, 2011

Conversations with Cookie-Nut

PDan to C-Nut: You are beautiful.

C-Nut to PDan: YOU are beautiful! And cwazy.


(while walking outside—she looks up.) “The birds don’t like me.”

me: “The birds don’t like me?”

her: “ME.”

me: “Oh, the birds don’t like you? Why not?”

her: “Because I don’t like them too.” (pout)


(in the car—she looks out the window)

her: “They look like giant broccoli!”

me: “What do?”

her: “The trees! With cheese on them!”

me: “You have a poet’s mind, Cookie-Nut.”

her: “Yeah!”


(getting out of the car)

her (angry and annoyed): “They’re waving at me.” (pout)

me: “Who?”

her (still mad): “The trees!” (she sticks out her tongue and raspberries in their direction.) (yells defiantly at them) “I’m going home!” (pout)

1 comment:

WLM said...

Broccoli seems to run in the family. This picture is my current favorite of CN.