Monday, May 19, 2008

Scholar Extraordinaire

Well, most of you already know by now, but here's to my magnificent husband, who


about a week and a half ago!!!!

He is now officially ABD (which could stand for a lot of things, but in this case stands for All But Dissertation). Now all he has to do is write a dissertation--super easy, right? Overcome that teensy hurdle, and he will be done with school forever (except for the fact that hopefully he will be teaching at one).

He'd been preparing all school year for this exam--he had to (preferably) read about 120 books, or at least be familiar with their content. Then he had to take 8 hours' worth of written exams, followed by an oral examination during which he was grilled by 5 professors, who are all well-known in their fields. But he passed with flying colors, and now he never has to take another test again! (Except for his Swahili test in a couple of weeks...but that should be a comparative piece of proverbial cake.)

So, now, he's taking it easy and gets to do as he pleases! (Except for when he's getting ready for said Swahili exam, or preparing to go to Ireland, or meeting with yet another professor. Sigh.... there are always exceptions.)

But, on the whole, it's very, very good to have him home and not so stressed!

(photo of P. on the pier at Santa Barbara in February)


Melissa said...

Congratulations P! I am so excited that I know about your blog now. Also, I took your advise about that Google Reader business, thanks Lady!

Beth said...

Congratulations! That is so amazing, it seems like you all just moved to CA, maybe you don't think so though. I am so happy for you all!

The Voice of Reason said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm sitting here trying to do the math - it really doesn't feel like you've been there long enough yet (although, I'm sure that perception is entirely different from your point of view). When is said dissertation going to be tackled? Good luck P!

Unknown said...

Congrats Pete!!! I haven't been through your blog in a while, and while catching up, I noticed this post and had to comment.
When I hear about people being "smart," I think about Homer singing, "I am smart, I am smart, 's', 'm', 'r', 't'."

Which only shows my level of intelligence.