This week DB celebrated his third birthday! I just love him more and more every birthday he has. Here's a list of some things DB has learned how to do over the past year:
Sleep in a big boy bed (never fallen out...knock wood)
Sing the alphabet well, and to two different tunes
Be potty trained
Talk really well!
Arrange letters so they spell his name (sometimes...)
Give up his passy (this is really recent, we're still working on it)
Pedal a bike w/training wheels
Draw a circle
Do a somersault
Dress himself (still trying to get motivation for that one)
Talk on the phone
Recite "Hey, Diddle Diddle"
Use the computer mouse
Find various countries/continents on a world map
Say please, thank you, and excuse me
Give great hugs and kisses
Crack an egg
Use "just kidding" in context
For his birthday, we took DB to Disneyland (thanks Grandma and Paka), which he was thrilled about at first...but then threw a fit when he saw we were in line for the Pirates ride...I think he's decided it's too scary (he used to love it). But he enjoyed Winnie the Pooh, the Jungle Cruise, Buzz Lightyear, and the Jedi Training show, though he was bitterly disappointed that he didn't get to "play" with the light sabers on stage with the other kids. Maybe when he's a little bigger... He forgot his disappointment when Darth Vader came out! That was very impressive. (Not that he's ever seen the movies...)
I love you, Dangerboy!
Three years old?! I can hardly believe it! Did you know that in Sweden they get kids to give up their binki by 'giving' their binkis to cats at the zoo. It was strange, but hey, if the kids are excited to give up their binkis the better for mom & day! Happy Birthday Dangerboy!
Happy birthday. Wow, he is so big. Gwyn will be pretty excited to have so many friends back in Irvine. She is a good sport, but I can tell she misses our big backyard and all her friends.
That is a precious little face!! It doesn't quite fit his name (Dangerboy) so I think I'll just come up with my own....probably not one his dad would approve....and keep it to myself.
He's so big! I miss all those little kiddies playing with each other. Can you believe it's been three years? I can't believe the Search is three either. And how much he has learned! Cute post, maybe I'll steal the idea!
Man I miss Caleb, he's such a stud. I need to get your address so I can send him a belated birthday present.
Speaking of Dangerboy, I think I've asked this several times, but when is the sequel due to hit theaters?
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