The good:
This picture was taken about a month ago. Though I am still even more huge now (with accompanying discomfort), it's great because it means I have a growing baby inside me. I have to laugh at the acquaintances who heave sighs of relief when I mention being pregnant. "Oh, thank goodness! I thought you were, but you never want to assume..." they say. Really? How could you do anything BUT assume when you look at me? Do they think it's some kind of giant tumor?
The bad: No picture here. I've had no-fun acid reflux since December, but worse, have been subject to some pretty horrendous nosebleeds. Thank you, "increased vascular growth and circulation during pregnancy." The last bleeder left me in the bathroom for 20 minutes while my nose literally gushed. By the time it finally stopped, I looked a little like Carrie and the bathroom looked like a crime scene. Yuck.
The ugly:
Dangerboy's doctor calls it a pyrogenic granuloma. It could also be a spider angioma. I call it (to the numerous children who ask about it) "my spot." Various older women call it "a little bit of breakfast still stuck to your cheek" before they realize it's not going to come off. It's a little benign tumor filled with blood vessels that's grown bigger and bigger with my last two pregnancies. Supposedly I'm going to the doctor's in a couple of weeks to have it removed. Then I'll probably have a little scar. Sigh. Could it have BEEN in a less conspicuous place?
Glad you look good - although the acid reflux and nosebleeds don't sound like any fun....
Your "good" looks really good. Your bad...I could've done without the Carrie picture!!! Yikes!
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