Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Us, Part One

I met Peter at band camp in August of 1994. We had just moved to Rexburg…we’d come early so I could be there in time to go; it was a requirement of the marching band. The first time I saw him, he and Ryan N. were walking to the practice field, and Ryan was holding drumsticks. They looked approachable, so I asked if they were drummers. Nope! Trumpet players, unfortunately for me (I was in the percussion section, playing mallets on the sideline). I ate lunch with a group of kids that included PDaniel and Wendy A. that day, and PDan told this joke: “What did one blade of grass say to the other blade of grass? Hey, we’re not the only ones—there are lots of us!” And Wendy thought it was hilarious and I didn’t get it at all. It was just part of “Rexburg humor,” which didn’t make any sense, and which I didn’t really understand until later. What would I have thought if someone had whispered in my ear, “there’s the boy you’ll marry”?

PDan remembers that he saw me for the first time standing on the curb being dropped off for band camp. He remembers what I was wearing: white shorts (too short for Rexburg, a fact I was oblivious to), and the James Madison T-shirt Mat Dragoo had sent me from college before his accident. PDan remembers what I was wearing on almost every occasion. I sure picked a good guy, though he puts me to shame—I don’t remember what he was wearing even this morning! Wait, no, I do. But I don't always!


Bonster said...

Awwww, that's so cute! And after band camp Pete came home and told mom about you :)

Melissa said...

All of the boys were talking about Christy when she moved in :)

nursemike1 said...

That's funny that he remembered what you were wearing because I remember what Shaun was wearing the first time I met him. It was in the boys bathroom at the middle school. Black T-shirt, blue denim shorts and black Airwalks. I said, "Hey those are cool shoes." He said, "Thanks." I don't think Shaun remembers that, but I swear, it was the first meet. Either the Scrivners were really memorable or they just dressed like weird California kids.

Wendy A. Jones said...

I know I'm like a month late commenting, but I've always struggled with punctuality.

So, here's what I like. I like that Peter remembers what you were wearing (so sweet!), but equally as cute is you remembering his lame joke.

(Yes, it is lame. But I *still* laughed as I read it. I just have something for dumb jokes.)

Sarah said...

Wheres part two??!!