He's actually adjusted quite well, and is turning into quite a dependable big brother. He's just really growing up--he's in Primary (bit of a hard adjustment, that one); his artwork is getting lots more detailed (arms have hands, fish have fins); his memory continues to astound (he sung me the entire first verse of "I Lived in Heaven" last night); and he's really fun to communicate with:
*uses the word "actually" in context all the time
*same goes for "Oh my gosh!"
*often chooses a word to be silly with--for a long time it was "hedgehog," as in, "You're a hedgehog-head!!" After that, it was "bellybutton." Now he's experimenting with "butt," which I think he learned from clandestine veiwing of SpongeBob. Stupid SpongeBob!
*won't let anyone say the word "stupid" in his presence.

*says "blana" and "plano" for "banana" and "piano."
*more: "Jacken Sparrow" (Jack Sparrow); "Check out it" (check it out); "gotfor" (forgot)
* "Trust me" and "I'm telling the truth!!" (why do these make me worry...?)
*"Dangerboy, did you know you lived in heaven before you were born? Where's heaven?"
"In the sky." (pause) "I used a parachute."
*He and his friend Tiger Lily made up an awesome game they call "Rocketstar." They stand on the arms of the couch (I know, I know), shout "One, two, three, Rocketstar!!" and jump down onto the couch cushions. (I think it's a combination of "rock star" and space rockets. The game's kinda got a feeling of both.)
*"Dangerboy, quit turning your shoes over--you're getting sand all over the floor of the car! It makes the car even more dirty!"
"Hmmm...maybe we'll have to turn the car over."
"Who['s going to do that?"
"Someone big and strong...maybe Daddy."

Was he posing as happy, angry, and pensive? Or did the photographer just happen to capture those emotions? Either way, he is just too darn cute!
He was posing--P. taught him to imitate all those emotions a long time ago...pretty funny, huh? He taught him a few more too--I remember "ambivalent" was one of them.
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