The best part was, of course, being together. For instance: we thought nobody was watching when we swing-danced (poorly) to the band playing by Space Mountain--but the attendant at Autopia saw us and thought we were so cute she let us in the back way and we didn't have to wait in line! Wahoo!
We also tried California Screamin' and Tower of Terror (both fun, but I though my aunt Janice would HATE the latter), Star Tours (made P. sick), Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, and barely squeezed on Indiana Jones before the park closed (that ride had been broken almost all day). We also tried the shooting range (I failed--P. hit the tiniest targets) and discovered Snow White's wishing well and fountain. Quite a romantic place at night... Oh, and I intorduced P. to the Toy Story zoetrope, which is really cool.
Thanks again Chelsea and Abe!
1 comment:
Fun! Star Tours ALWAYS makes me sick. Consequently, I don't think I've been on it since I was eight.
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