Our first actual Christmas tree (thanks, Gardener!)
Sleeping next to Cookie-Nut; being almost asleep and then feeling her tiny fingers on my cheek
Listening to the perfect high-school tunes, chosen by Shaun, the king of recorded music, as we wrapped gifts Christmas Eve
"Rock n' Roll McDonald's!" during Christmas Eve dinner. Later, Dangerboy singing it (somehow, it became funny)
Later, pillow-reminiscing with P. about about the music that used to remind us of each other before we were married (me: "Kiss Me" by Harry Connick Jr.; him: "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"--interesting)
The sweet taste of LOTS of dairy-free cookies my mom so lovingly made for me--thank you Granny Westwood for that raisin cookies recipe!!
Dangerboy in his snowsuit--blue pants, red sweatshirt, red-white-and-blue scarf. Pink cheeks. Blue Eyes. Blond hair. Why did I not get a picture??? (Oh yeah, because he wouldn't let me)
Being tackled by P. while wearing my snowsuit--the strange feel of rolling in snow but being perfectly warm. Why did nobody ever tell me how great snow pants are??
Cookie-Nut in the arms of Mom or Dad, in the rocking chair by the fire
Granny Lois' hands, holding the seashell I found in her garage
Snow, a foot high on the stair rail
Dangerboy, so excited about presents!
P. looking so awesome and at home in his snow clothes, sledding in the front yard with Dangerboy and Shaun (this picture is either of Shaun or Dad though)
Playing with Magnetix at the Samuelsons'
Cherie's insane theater!!
Dangerboy and Brian N. running around the house pulling strings of gold plastic beads: the next generation of friends
1 comment:
I knew you were refering to the Wesley Willis song before I even clicked on the Rock-n-roll McDonalds link. We even saw him in concert, before he passed (God rest his soul).
Beautiful post. Wish I was there. I hadn't even heard from the folks you had visited.
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