Monday, June 02, 2008

More Dangerboy

I asked DB again what we should name Peapod. “Kooky-nut,” he said. “Kooky-nut McQueen.” So, there you go.

The other morning I was lying next to him as he woke up. After some nonsense talk probably stemming from a dream he’d had, he stopped and said very suspiciously, “Hey, wait a minute. The sun’s come up!!”

We use a fair amount of sticky notes at out house. A few months ago, DB drew pictures on six of the little purple sheets of paper, and had P. label them as follows:
1. Shaun’s.
2. A sky up top.
3. Scary monster.
4. Granny Lois (poop).
5. Crazy hair. Like Jesus.
Please don’t be offended, Granny Lois; DB thinks it automatically makes anything hilarious if he says “poop” or “bum” after it. Yesterday he ended a dinnertime prayer “Amen-bum.” I’m hoping he gets all the potty humor out of his system early…think it’ll happen?

Fun recent phrases: “Just kidding,” in context; “Excuse me,” (usually after “tooting”); “I have a stomachache in my leg”; “Precious” (like Gollum, only pronounced, “My chest”); “Last week” (refers to any time in the near past); “When I was a baby” (any time in the distant past).

(Photo: We discovered last Christmas that DB has a talent for hanging spoons on his nose. P. finally got it on film.)

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