Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Blood in the Chapel

We may never go to church again.
___No, we weren't mortally offended or doctrinally alienated...just tragically embarrassed. Though Dangerboy was the one who suffered worst of all.
___It all started when we decided to sit next to DB's little girlfriend K., in the last pew before the rear aisle, before the rows of chairs set up in the cultural hall. DB and K. played very well together during the first half of church--no tears, no fights--and we were proud of him.
___Then he started to get a little rambunctious, crawling under the pew to make faces at the people behind us...which got their attention, 'cause he's so darn cute, right? Then he thought it would be funny to make a break for it. I caught him once; P. caught him the second time, rather dramatically, reaching over the back of the pew to grab DB by the leg. Now we had everyone's attention, and DB was loving it. He shrieked with delight and immediately headed back under the seat. I turned to P. and said, "We need to take him out." I reached under the pew and grabbed my wiggly baby, trying to hoist him out from underneath so I could give him to P.
___"What?" P. said. I turned my head to face him, still trying to extract DB. "We need to take him out!" I whispered louder, lifting DB up while looking at P.
___SMACK. Dangerboy's cheek, under his eye, had hit the corner of the hymnbook holder attached to the back of the pew in front of us. A collective gasp went up around us as DB started to scream and P. carried him out. I sat there stunned, feeling awful, then feeling worse as two people sitting near me turned around to whisper urgently, "He was bleeding."
___Wonderful. Still, I thought, how bad could it be? But I thought I'd better check on him, if only because they sounded so shocked. I went out to make sure DB was OK--I only had to follow the sound of his voice. Then I saw them--both covered with blood, DB obviously needing stitches. Who knew a hymnbook holder and a distracted mom could do such damage?
___Four hours and five stitches later, we were home again, Dangerboy feeling fine after a nap and proudly displaying the stickers he received at the hospital, where he was very good, again entertaining the waiting room but running around greeting everyone, even with a horrific gash on his cheek (it's a little less than an inch long).
___P. and I, on the other hand, have still not quite recovered. The whole ward caught us in the act, red-handed (literally--Peter had to walk back into the chapel to get our things with blood all over his shirt) being the bad parents we are. DB will have a scar to prove it. And so, I think, will our hearts.
___(Bring on the cheesy violin music here, but I'm actually serious.)
___So to all of you who called to check on us, we thank you for your honest kindness and sympathy; thank you for not being smug, though I know you're glad it wasn't your child happened to. And rest assured, it won't be. What are the odds of a hymnbook holder striking twice in the same ward?


Beth said...

Oh, Christi! What a tragedy - I can't imagine taking your baby to the hospital for something like that. I know when my younger siblings injured themselves I was always glad mom or dad was on hand to take care of the problem. It'll probably become one of Caleb's favorite stories to tell about his lame parents. LOL!

The Voice of Reason said...

I'm sorry to say that I'm mostly laughing due to your blunt re-telling of the story, but I'm sure I would have been horrified if I had been in your shoes (and I'm sure I probably will be some day). I hope Caleb proudly embellishes the event in all his upcoming days! If you're lucky he might even have a scar to rib you with all the rest of yours.... For the record, I think you and P. are still great parents!

Caroline said...

Wow. I was looking your way when this happened - I had no idea it was so bad and bloody. How scary! I'm sure it will only be a matter of months before little E will have a similar run-in with a hymn book holder.

jana said...

what drama! So glad to know that he was okay!

One of my worst parenting faux pas: when GameBoy was little he grabbed the barrel of my hot curling iron. It not only burned his hand, but completely charred teh skin of his palm, thumb and fingers. He ended up in the ER and had several very painful debridement sessions in teh burn unit of the hospital. The doctors told me that he would need skin grafts on his hand as he grew older...(which he didn't end up needing fortunately)

Yah, and I was just so angry with myself that it was my own vanity at using a curling iron and leaving it unattended that caused such trauma. So I just use a blow-dryer now in case you're wondering!

Mark said...

I'm glad all your ward members called and made sure everyone was ok. I'll make sure I call the Protective Services (Child) for you guys... JK

Taku just got 8 stitches on Friday as well. ugh!!