Monday, February 19, 2007

Dream Theory

So today, on a walk with P. and Dangerboy, I came up with a brilliant new theory about dreams. Everyone, I postulated, has a recurring guilt dream, and a recurring insecurity dream. My guilt dream is that I am again a missionary in Japan, and that I'm hanging out in my apartment all day doing nothing. My insecurity dream is that I'm on stage, starring in a play I have never rehearsed or even read. I know P.'s insecurity dream (but I'll be kind and not write it). I speculated that his guilt dreams must be the recurring dreams he has that I'm mad at him. (This hinged on the assumption that, even in his dream arguments, he's wrong). I shared my theory with P., but he said that he doesn't actually feel guilty in those dreams, so maybe I'm wrong. He did say, however, that he has lots of dreams that he's fighting bad guys. Guess I'll have to keep thinking.

In the news: yesterday we had friends over for dinner, and learned that french toast and bacon, while delicious, is a pain to cook for a crowd, since it has to be done in batches, which is not conducive to conversation. Small children, also, are not conducive to time maybe we'll put on a movie.

Today we had a nice (for me) breakfast with friends Cherie and her new-ish boyfriend (have high hopes for hose two!). We went to Ruby's--P. spent most of the time chasing DB. Any other President's Day plans we had were foiled for various reasons. :(

Cute stuff: DB spent some time chasing J., a 5-year-old neighbor girl, around the playground. Every time he caught he he's give her a huge hug. He was screeching and laughing like crazy. He is very liberal with hugs these days, which is lots of fun.

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