Here's my sticky-note collection from the last month or two of wacky quips from our two-and-a-half-year-old:
CN: I need prentzels.
PDan: What are prentzels?
CN: Prentzels means crackers.
PDAN: Oh. What are crackers?
CN: Crackers means prentzels.
Me: Hey, what do you have?
CN (holding the ladybug Pillow Pet she got for Christmas): It's a pillow pet dot com.
Me (changing her diaper): How's your bum?
CN: It's a little Fred.
Me: Huh? A little what?
CN: It's a little Fred.
Me: Oh, you mean it's a little red?
CN: Yeah, it's a little red.
(We're in church. The speaker says something about the Holy Ghost. CN's ears perk up.)
CN (loudly): The Holy Ghost in the pumpkin patch!!
(We're potty training. I'm trying to get CN to tell me if her Pull-Up is wet or dry; she keeps contradicting herself.)
Me: Well, are you wet, or are you dry? Which are you?
CN (smiling at her own joke): Strawberry!
(CN is sucking on a tasting spoon for babies she found in the silverware drawer.)
PDan: Is that a paci?
CN (pulling it out): No.
PDan: Then what is it?
CN: A Space Ranger?
CN (picking up a toy fork someone left on the computer desk): Lookit Mom. I found a clue.
(too much Scooby Doo, maybe?)
(CN is eating an apple. She recently has gone to the doctor for a checkup, and the doctor looked inside her ear "to see if Mickey Mouse or a princess was hiding in there.")
PDan: What's in your ear?
CN: A princess. (Holds apple to ear.) You want some? (Makes slurping noise). The princess lick my apple!
CN to PDan: I wub good night kisses because I wub you!
Cookie-Nut is old enough now to tell us about her dreams. She's come into our room scared of a nightmare mouse. Once she came in crying, asking if Daddy was going to the candy canes. When we asked her in the morning what she dreamed about, she said, "Wotsa wotsa kids go to the candy canes. They so happy!" I wondered why she was so sad in the moment, though....maybe she was being left behind? She said the candy canes were "like trees" and that they were lots of different colors. Sounds fun.
She also talks in her sleep a lot. More accurately, she yells: "Give me that dress! Give me that dress RIGHT NOW!" On another night: "Nooooooo! I don't want to!" Or: "I'm scared of snakes! I'm scared of snakes!" (Shhhhh, I say.) Then she whispers: "I'm scared of snakes." All without waking up.
she is so darling. those are great. that's fun you wrote them down. i'm not always good about that.
I love!
What a dolly! I love what children say when they are learning to verbalize their thoughts.
Thanks for updating. I haven't checked your blog for awhile. My eyes are wet from laughter tears. Smart, sweet, amazing children!
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