In conclusion, here's what I learned in my somewhat blind foray into home school. I still don't think I can do it full-time. At least, not the way I'd want to. I had a lot of fun, but I still don't understand when everything gets done. When do I have time to do the background learning it takes to teach someone else, especially about science, math, etc.? And then teach them? And then do all the other things that need doing in life? And then actually have a life, or at least my own hobbies and pursuits?
I know people do it, but I think it maybe becomes a hobby in itself--even a sacrament, and/or a sacrifice. I'm just not that good, I think. Too selfish, I sadly admit.
But, we had fun, and I think I'm going to do it again, this way anyhow. I think it's a fun and educational way to spend our breaks, at least, without getting bored. Hopefully I can convey some love-of-learning that I see so much in my awesome friend Amanda and her kids, who home school with gusto. If I could, I'd send my kids to her school!
For now, stay tuned for our next time. I'll give you a's be an awfully big adventure!
what i learned about homeschooling: kids who are homeschooled learn how to learn from everyday life. They learn about math from playing games, going to the grocery store with mom or trying to figure out how they can share five cookies between the three of them. They learn about science from looking at the sky, like in the olden days. If you happen to find an awesome story about astronomers from back in the day, they would love to hear about it.
Less TV plus moms attention equals the best classroom you can find.
I'm proud of you for venturing into the homeschooling idea, even if it isn't full time (we are now doing part time homeschool, and we will never forget the fact that our kids are constantly growing and learning, not just in the classroom!)
I admire you for homeschooling. I will do it if it becomes necessary but I am pretty daunted by the thought!! I tried to do some homeschooling stuff over the summer to keep my kids ahead of the game and even that didn't work out as well as I had planned :(
Have you looked at the She has a fabulous section on homeschooling on her website.
I know lots of homeschool moms and their kids do fabulous - I think its just an adjustment for everyone but you will get there.
Good luck! - Clair
I am impressed you were able to keep your summer school together for the most part. I succeeded for about a week, and then fell apart. It's hard, the schooling has to be fit into the routine to be successful. I don't fit things in unless forced to it seems.
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