PDaniel had a birthday last week. I miraculously got out of work that day (I played Fiddler on the Roof in Garden Grove for the rest of the week) and he didn't have to go to school that day. Yay! So he got to play all day.
I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, and one of the things he wanted was a full Irish breakfast. So we had bacon, sausage, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns, cheese crepes with cherries, chocolate milk, orange juice...and whatever else is in this picture! Oh yeah, fried tomatoes (tasty)!
Then he went shopping and saw Iron Man II, which he liked. Yes, he had to go alone, since the kids had what I've come to call "spots," and were thus unfit to be babysat.
We finished up the day with yummies from Lucilles' BBQ (takeout) and lemon meringue pie. A good time had by all.
I look terrible in this picture. You should have just cropped it down to the plate. THAT is beautiful.
Happity birthiday! I'm totally coming over for breakfast on your next birthday. And you are much handsomer than you look in that picture, just so you know, but you still look cute in it. :)
Hey, how come PDaniel didn't call me to go to the movies? Wasn't I good enough company at "District 9"?!
"(bleep) prawns!"
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