Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why can nobody see she's just a budding performance artist?!

So, I got in trouble at preschool. While I was helping DB with his morning activity, Cookie-Nut wandered into the play yard (as she always does, because the door is wide open, and there is way fun stuff out there). This time someone had set the paints out--CN got into them, took a paintbrush over to the (real) ducklings, and tried to paint them. Pink.

When I came out, one of the teachers was holding her up, saying, "Whose child is this?!?" (you know that tone of voice). She had paint smeared across her chest and face and was holding up her two little sticky pink palms, away from her, they way kids do when they're messy, and guilty. Some of the paint got onto the duck cage, then in turn onto some of the kids looking at the ducks. The parents complained, and I was told to supervise my child. "For her own safety."

Imagine that.

1 comment:

Britt-Marie said...

That's a great story. She is such a doll. I love that she picked pink, and I love that she wanted to paint the real ducks. (yeah, it really sounds like she was in a lot of danger :P how silly)