It's been a while since I posted about our little Cookie-Nut, and I wanted to just take a little snapshot of her at this age, just so I won't forget. They change so quickly, and it's so hard to remember what they were like before once they have. (Our camera situation is still in flux, so I don't have a good picture of her, sorry).
Cookie-Nut has always been quick, and still is--she is always looking for an opening and will take it before you know what's happening. Since she was tiny she could sense when the bathroom door was open (for toilet splashing) or a chair wasn't pushed in (for dinner-stealing). She is still like this.
The other day at the grocery store I had a HUGE order of food and about a million coupons. Cookie-Nut was in the toy "car" at the front of one of those monster "kid-friendly" carts, and Dangerboy was on baby duty, trying to keep her little grabby hands free of stolen contraband. He'd (nicely) pried the Skittles and Hershey bars from her hands while I paid, and I thought we were in good shape. I was on my way out the door (accompanied by a bag boy pushing the other cart--told you it was a big order) when I looked down and saw that Cookie-Nut was chomping furiously on a Snickers bar, still in its wrapper, which she'd deftly lifted after everything else had been taken away.
I couldn't caravan everyone back to the check-out line; there just wasn't room to turn around. I couldn't pocket it and walk away...dou shiyou?!? Luckily the most understanding of the Ralphs ladies was working self check-out, and she took the money I thrust into her hands as I told her what happened. The Snickers bar was pulverized, but that sneaky Cookie-Nut never got a bite. We can't encourage shoplifting, can we?
A week or so ago Cookie-Nut figured out how to take off her pants and her diaper. Since then, she has tried to change it herself. NOT GOOD! I went in to wake her from her nap the other day, and found her awake, sans pants, dirty diaper next to her...and next to that a small pile of poo. Blech! I was going to start potty-training right away, even though it seems early...but we have some extended-family amusement park trips planned in the next few weeks. So I'm just putting her in onesies until all those long days blow over, then we're going to go for it!
Cookie-Nut likes to be dizzy. She loves merry-go-rounds and the teacups at Disneyland, but even twirling will do. In fact, she did this at her doctor's checkup not long ago, and made the doctor a wee bit concerned. "Does she flap her hands too?" the doctor asked trepidatiously. Nope! She just likes to get so dizzy she falls over!
Cookie-Nut's language skills are humming right along--she "counts" (fwee, five, fwee, one, six!), has a ton of single words, and a few combinations. "Where's Shaun?" she asked me casually tonight. Or, "Hi Daddy. Hi Mommy. Mock pees." (that's "milk, please.") Another Shaun one (she loves her uncle): PDaniel and the kids got to meet him at Disneyland randomly the other day, and when she got home, she told me, "Shaun!! Hug!!!" So, she's getting there.
We are also having fun watching her pretend. She still looooves her pink doll, "Baby"--gives her drinks, shares her passie, holds her up in the car so she can see out the window. She played in her toy kitchen, putting things in the microwave and saying "bee, bee, bee" while she pushes the buttons.
Cookie-Nut still has a problem with throwing food on the floor. Sitting her on a regular chair has helped a little (though she likes to get down and run around), but when she's done, if we're not watching, it's all over the floor. She still hasn't gotten over eating crayons, markers, and chalk, but now she often hides to do it. She still has a piercing scream when something isn't going right--it starts low and then jumps up a couple of octaves, fortississimo!
She's big for her age so far, and three of her two-year molars have come in. She takes a nap a day, rarely sleeps in the car, and sleeps twelve hours at night (hallelujah).
Cookie-Nut is so much fun--she self-entertains well, loves books and animals, and is starting to be interested in playing with other kids a little bit. We still have to chase her a lot when we're outside; she loves to explore and will run away as fast as she can, one chubby arm pumping by her side. She is cuddly, gives hugs and kisses freely, and is good with new people (usually) as well. She's a bundle of fun.
I love reading about her!! She reminds me of her mommy except for the cuddily part. Her mommy was too busy to even cuddle!
That little girl just makes me happy. I know a lot of kids her age from my neighborhood and she is so much cooler than all of them. I love spunky girls!
LOL, I can't believe how much the same CN and S are!! I almost thought I was reading something I had written. ;) It's fun to have such a bundle of energy that likes to cuddle. It's hard for me to get mad at S. :)
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