Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Eve

Dear Mom,

We're doing OK. Cookie-Nut is mostly normal, just has a runny nose and a yucky cough. Oh, and Dangerboy had a bad dream last night--in the fallout, CN woke up and refused to go back to sleep. It was about 3:30 AM and she was up for the day. She had a long nap earlier, but is sleeping quite restlessly now, she's just so tired. Hope we're not in for another long night!

There are so many sweet things about her age (19 months): How she says new words every day; how she brings me little things like dandelions and rocks as if they're so amazing; how she spins in circles just for the joy of falling down. We love her impulsive hugs and, occasionally, even little bites of love or frustration. But one of the not-fun things is definitely all her opinions with very little rationality.

I remember how nice it was when DB was three and could understand things when I explained them, like, "Everyone else is asleep, it's dark outside, mommy is really tired and you are too, so let's just lay down and see if we can go back to sleep." She didn't buy it for an instant! The funniest part was when I was lying next to her, trying to set a good example of "sleeping" and she just kept bonking her head into mine: Bonk. "Ow!" (Giggle.) Bonk. "Ow!" (Giggle.) But the rest was just maddening!

Her latest word is, "Yeah?"--which is actually really nice.
"Cookie-Nut, wanna try some watermelon?"
"Yeah?" It sounds like a question, but we know what she means.

"Cookie-Nut, you wanna go to the beach? "
"Yeah?" And she means it.

"Cookie-Nut, you want some ice cream?"
"Yeah? Yeah!!!!"
"Cookie-Nut, you want some canteloupe?"
"Moe!" (That's how she's been saying "no.") The best part is that she doesn't even think before she says it--she knows exactly what she wants right away.

In other news, I played for a bunch of flute students at a festival today, and thus filled out the holes in our budget for the month. A lady from the ward watched the kids while PDaniel worked on his job talk (he's at his professor's now discussing it with her) and went to get his hair cut. No time for Valentine's day this year, but hopefully we'll get to go out when he comes back. This afternoon PDaniel blew up the big beach balls from DB's birthday party a couple of years ago and they played outside while CN and I picked flowers from ice plants and squirted the leaves at each other. Then I took them both to the beach, where DB collected bamboo sticks that washed up in the storms and I tried to keep CN out of the water.

Then I ate way too much ravioli for dinner.

Well, it looks like this letter turned into a journal entry, so I guess I'll post it and then go switch the laundry.

Hope everything is well! Not too much snow, I hope?


PS, thanks for the sweet Valentine's "card" too--I really do like that one! :)

1 comment:

Britt-Marie said...

I'm ready to babysit for you when you get back. :)