I was telling DB a bedtime story about himself. In it, a genie granted him three wishes, and here were his picks:
1. I wish for 184 Transformers.
[2. I wish for a real car. (I reminded him he already has lot of Transformers, which can be cool cars too.)]
2. (Revised). I wish for a big family.
3. I wish for a real house.
Those are interesting wishes. Children always surprise you with their thoughts.
My wishes are the exact same as DB's wishes! Amazing. I thought this was so cute so I asked my kids what their wishes would be. Strawberry said, "For daddy to come home, for daddy to never leave again, and for there to be less math and more art in 2nd grade." Apple said, "To be on a cloud, to be on a leaf, and to live in a bush."
haha! I love Apple's thoughts in particular. She is such a poet. DB's second two wishes just made me sad, because I feel powerless to give them to him. (He ain't getting 184 Transformers, so I'm not too worried about that one.)
I know what you mean. Strawberry is always saying that she will never let her husband be in the Navy. She wants permanent friends and a home and school. I feel so bad, but at the same time, having had all those things, I know that her life is just as happy as mine was, just in a different way. Grass is always greener.
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