Monday, January 25, 2010

Why four-year-olds rock

When I got home from work tonight (about six hours straight of teaching), Dangerboy had some stuffed animals in a row in the living room, and had apparently been giving them an impromptu Primary talk. Asked to do it again for mom, he sighed and said, "Well, here goes nothin'." He got some scribbly "notes" together, stood behind our electric air conditioner (just the right size for a podium) and gave this "talk:"

"Some kids were gathered around Jesus.
To have a happy day.
So everybody won't be sick.
And won't get shots.
For everybody to be nice.
For everybody not to be mean.
And be lovely like my mommy."

(All this while wearing his "I (heart) Mom" jammy shirt. Love it.)

PDaniel says in the version DB told him, the devil showed up, and the kids laughed at him and threw him in the trash can. Then Jesus showed up and made everybody happy "forever and ever and ever and ever." Nice.


Britt-Marie said...

That is just precious. You guys are obviously doing a great job.

Bonnie said...

Awwww, that's so cute!

Luke said...

My heart melted. You guys have such awesome kids.

WLM said...

Yes,I agree with Caleb; he has a lovely mommy!