Friday, January 22, 2010

Arrrr again

We're walking through the cold today and DB says, "Shimmery timbers, it's so cold outside!" Also, a muddy puddle is a "muddle." (Yes, it is!)

Cookie-Nut likes to say "hi" to everything and everyone. Also, two of her favorite words are "wa-tee" and "wet" (even before this week's storms). This week, whenever we go out, she points to any old thing and comments, "Wet." Today she upped by pointing to a puddle and saying, "Wet. Hi, wet!"

On a sadder note, we've been having trouble getting her to sleep at times. It may be that we haven't been outside much this week (because of all the rain), and therefore haven't worn her out enough, I don't know. As I write this she is crying herself to sleep again. Sad.

Also, between Haiti and these bad storms, with their weird tornadoes in Huntington Beach and impending mudslides elsewhere, it kinda feels like the end of days or something. I don't really think it's the end end, but it makes me want to check on my emergency prep stuff. I think The Road screwed me up for good.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

I know! I couldn't put The Road down (yet desperately wanted to the entire time).

Cute kids!!