Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pogo Rocket Star

Lately Dangerboy has been saying he wants to be a librarian-daddy when he grows up, so he can "sell" books to people as well as be a father (which I thought was nice). However, the other day we were watching a clip of Bono and U2 sing "Ultraviolet" in the Rose's the link, but basically Bono wears this really cool jacket with lasers on it, and swings around on a microphone suspended from the ceiling.

DB: What's that?
Me: It's a microphone hanging down from the ceiling that Bono gets to swing around on.
DB: Why?
Me: Because he's a rock star, and rock stars get to do stuff like that.
DB: Oh. (pause) Mom, I don't want to be a librarian-daddy anymore. I want to be a rocket star-daddy.

(Poor librarian-ism didn't have a chance!)

Another one:

DB: Mom, I'm getting big Optimus Prime for Christmas, right? (this has not officially been confirmed) But what else should you get me for Christmas? (very thoughtfully) Hmmm...I wonder...I'm just not sure what I should get...(Tapping his chin) Maybe...a pogo stick?!

(This just made me laugh because it was so out-of-the-blue. I didn't even know he knew what one was. Apparently he played unsuccessfully with one last year at preschool.)

In other news, our camera is still broken...sad. And Cookie-Nut learned how to say "pretty" which is super cute. She still eats crayons, markers, and chalk, and floor food (of course).


Brooke said...

just tell him if he REALLY wants to be a rocket star, to practice his electric guitar EVERY day.

Luke said...

Your kids are so stinkin adorable, even without pictures. I'm a very proud auntie. :)