Cookie-Nut has lots more signs now, and she can make all of her animal sounds. (Rather than type those out, I'm making a mental note to get them all on video camera). She has more words now too, some more often than others: Mama, Dada, Jesus (identifies him in pictures), wawa (water), Let's go!! (said after she brings me her shoes first thing in the morning), I did it, I got it, what is that (wa' i' da?), cracker (ka-ka), shoes, hat (just a vowel sound--"A."), eye, hello.
She also has a few important signs: car, baby (for her baby doll that she sleeps with at night), and passie. The passie (binky) sign she made up herself; it looks kinda like the sign language "eat" sign. (When she actually wants to eat, she just says "ka-ka" or signs "more"). Before I forget, she also made up the sign she uses for "music" months ago, before she turned one. She looks like she's conducting. I won't lie, it gives me hope!
Cookie-Nut's main activity for the past few months has been finding things, carrying them around the house, dropping them wherever, and then tripping over them. She also still has a passion for eating chalk, soap, and crayons, though she doesn't eat sand or dirt as much as she used to. Or rabbit poo, thank goodness. (We have a lot of rabbits around here. They poop on the playground, and sometimes I'm just not quick enough! They must just look like delicious little coco-puffs or something.)
Cookie-Nut also loves to look at books. A couple of times this week, I've wondered where she is, and found her sitting on her daddy's pillow on our bed, today with her church dress spread out around her, looking at a book.
We were looking at pictures of animals on MSN's Animal Tracks (which we love) and if she saw a picture that really struck her fancy she'd stand up on my lap and kiss the computer screen. She seemed to have a particular affection for "daddy" lions and baby elephants, but she also does this with pictures of herself and her reflection in a mirror.
To sum, she loves: Her daddy, books, going outside, her passie, bottles of milk, and her "baby." And maybe her brother. Usually her mom, but lately she loves Dad more. (That's OK, he's been gone more lately so he's a bit novel.) And dogs. And climbing up on the piano bench and playing a few tunes. And falling off. And crackers. And playing under blankets. And hugs.
Oh Christi, she sounds like such a doll. I actually enjoy hearing all about the little things she does and says as she develops. Please keep sharing. You have a lot to be proud of, Mama.
I love hearing that she is making up signs! Two of the signs that Alyssa made up, still make me laugh today...she gagged herself for Parker, and hit her head for Carter. We really got a kick when she would go up to them and try to sign their names ON them. Carter and Parker were a bit confused!
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