The down side is, most of Dangerboy's friends--whom he has known basically his whole short life--will be leaving, or have already. For example, all the other kids in this picture, who DB has played with on a regular basis, will be gone by the end of the year:
DB had been thinking about Tiger Lily, and told me one day, "Mom, when I'm big like Daddy, and (Tiger Lily)'s big like you, I want to marry with her." Later on, after he had seen the movie Up, he said that he would marry her and move to South America. He even picked a ring from my costume jewelry and presented it to her when she came for her goodbye play date. I didn't hear the actually proposal, but I know she accepted, because I heard her yell across the playground "(DB), let's marry now!"
We miss you, Tiger Lily! (And the rest of your family too!) Here's a picture of the happy couple (with ring and DB's other friend Cheetah-Cute):
1 comment:
Childhood friends are the truest friends. No offense meant to the author ;)
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