Sunday, April 05, 2009

Dangerboy leaps!

Every so often, it seems, I notice some kind of cognitive leap happens in Dangerboy (and probably all kids). One day, they just seem to have grown overnight, and all of a sudden, they're different. This week DB seemed more thoughtful, and able to articulate these thoughts better. Most of these were on the same day this week, and I apologize for the excessive use of parenthases:

  • "Mom, how we make paper?"
  • "Mom, how we make plastic?"
  • "Mom, how we make chocolate?" (PDaniel says, we squeeze a bunny really hard...joking amongst everybody...I say, no, that's not what we do.) "Yeah, if you squeeze a bunny real real hard, its head just pops off!" (oh dear.)
  • "Dad, what life is?"
  • "Mom, why everybody is just on the ground? And the houses? And the roof-es?" (I had to explain about gravity.)
  • DB, Cookie-Nut and I were doing laundry. He says, "We put clothes in here. But we can't put Cookie-Nut in here! Her would get dizzy! We just wash her in the bathtub."
  • Sounding out words!! (The "superletters" on Super Why: they spelled VEOE. "Vee-oh" DB said).
  • (Eating fish for dinner). "But why this fish dead?" (Because meat has to be dead before we can eat it. Sounds harsh, when you put it that way...) "Yeah, so we just cut its head off and put it in the garbage."
  • (Patting a classmate's poufy dress on picture day at preschool.) "You're just so...fluffy today!"
  • Points out contradictions in bedtime stories! (Uh oh...Do we actually have to start making sure they make sense?)
And this one's for you, grandparents. It was out of the blue, so we weren't talking about any of you specifically:

DB: "Mom, I don't want Paka to die."
Me: "Oh, don't worry honey, Paka's not going to die anytime soon. But everybody dies sometime. Usually we hope it's not until people are really really really really really really old. Is Paka that old?"
DB: (Brightening) "No, he just wrinkly." (Thinks). "And Grandma too. They just wrinkly. But they not real real real real old."
Me: "But am I wrinkly?"
DB: "No." (Whew.)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I love to see little ones embarking on heavy topics like mortality, physics, and chocolate.