Ok, here's some stuff off a post-it note I've been meaning to write down:
Dangerboy and I were playing Don't Eat Pete the other day, a great game taught to us by our good friends--it involves eating Cheerios off a grid drawn on a piece of paper. I left the room for a minute, came back and found that DB was busy constructing a masterpiece--he'd arranged the Cheerios on the grid and thought they looked like musical notes: "Look, Mom!" he said. "Cereal music!"
DB loooooves jokes. He loves to make up jokes and tell them--usually they go something like this: "What did the Batman say to the other Batman?" (I don't know, what?) "He just want to crash in his bogeys!!!" (Hysterical laughter). He's got the format down, but needs to work on content...
He also loves comics. He loves Snoopy, Lio, Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side. No, he doesn't understand any of it, but he just asks "Why?" over and over until he gets it, or gets bored, then moves on to the next one.
DB is my own personal KitchenAid; that is, he is happy to bake with me anytime, and loves to stir. The other day I left him stirring brownie batter for a minute (I know, right?) and came back to find him deep in pretending. "this is the potty, and that's the poop, and I flush it, see?" (stirring madly). Oh, the imagery.
1 comment:
Glad mine aren't the only kids that are obsessed with potty words and images. No better way to get laughs out of them than to say something involving bodily functions.
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