Friday, February 27, 2009

You know you're a grown-up when...

...your favorite thing on TV is Masterpiece Classic. Right now they're doing BBC productions of Charles Dickens stories at 9:00 Sunday evenings. PDaniel and I really enjoyed Oliver Twist (NOT the musical) the last couple of weeks: Nancy and Fagan were awesome, and I liked the funky Celtic-rock-ish soundtrack. Up next is David Copperfield with Ian McKellan, Maggie Smith and a teeny-tiny Daniel Radcliffe. I don't know how many of the productions are new, but they're new to us. Watching Oliver Twist, we couldn't help being reminded of what a genius Dickens was--such believably round characters--such evil villians, such angelic saviors! The whole thing made us want to take a little trip to Dickens World (yes, there is such a place).

I'm just sad I missed Tess and Wuthering Heights in January (before the Dickens theme started)--I love those novels. I'll have to find the BBC versions somewhere.

Here's to Sunday evenings with a literature-loving hubby, a plate or two of warm brownies, and the BBC!

Edit: Looks like David Copperfield is up to local listings for scheduling--and it's not scheduled here for a while. Pity! Guess I'll have to do do something productive instead for the next couple of weeks.


Amanda said...

I think I caught the end of "Wuthering Heights" the other week. Mark and I both really like to watch those shows. Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

I love masterpiece!!!!! And i was pretty bummed that i missed Wuthering Heights too.

MangusColoradoTribe said...

We just bought "Cranfield" which we saw several months ago on PBS and it is wonderful. I don't know what it is about these English productions, but they are so much more satisfying that just about anything else out there. I love the pictures of Pirate Caleb!