Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ward Halloween party. DB was enthralled by everything--as you can see...I couldn't get anyone to look at the camera! Halloween is DB's new favorite event. He was thrilled about dressing up as Batman, but he said he was going to be a lion "for Christmas." Cookie-Nut was a pink cat, and calmly took the evening's madness in. Nothing quite as chaotic as a ward Trunk-or-Treat, except maybe for the madness in the cultural hall immediately preceding one, as the kids work themselves up into a frenzy of candy anticipation.


Jen said...

Halloween pictures are always so fun! I love how focused they are (on whatever it might be). Your kiddos are so cute and look more like eachother the older they get!

WLM said...

Hmm... I wonder where Caleb gets that from (?)!!! They both look darling, there is just no other word for it!!

Bonnie said...

They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!