Friday, August 15, 2008

Litany of thanks

Having a baby is certainly a very humbling experience. Here are some of the many things I've been thankful for. (I'm writing them down to remember them; not to gloat, because I've done NOTHING AT ALL to deserve them. That's what's so humbling):

An almost completely uncomplicated pregnancy.

Easy access to healthy food.
Easy access to clean water.
A safe place to live.

An amazing sister in law who took care of DB and I while P. was gone.
An attentive husband who came home in time after all.
A bright, well-appointed hospital room.
My mother at home taking care of Dangerboy--the knowledge that he was safe and happy while I was gone.
A quick labor; no time to get really exhausted.
My almost-epidural.
A safe, sunny-daytime labor and delivery.
A caring, well-trained midwife.
A nursing staff that cared for me without complaining, though they were extremely busy and tired.
A hospital staff that attended to all my most intimate and embarrassing needs without seeming disgusted.
The inexplicably wonderfully cheerful janitor who cleaned my room.
A bed for P. to sleep on.
The four hours of sleep in a row we got that first night.
Health insurance.

A healthy baby.

A husband who is home for the summer, cooking and cleaning and holding his children.
A son who loves his sister madly.
A daughter who sleeps and eats well.
A dad and brother who drove 770 miles to meet their new family member.
A mom who left her family for three weeks to take care of mine.

Friends and family who banded together to provide drawers and drawers of clothing for my new baby.
Ward members who brought in dinners, one who was even a complete stranger to me.
Neighborhood moms who let DB play at their houses, giving us a break.
SoCal weather.
A speedy recovery.

The four of us.

1 comment:

WLM said...

The two qualities I would like my children to develop in their character would be humility and gratitude, neither of which I can give to them. It warms my heart to see you have both.