...Cookie-Nut is here! She arrived this week after a routine trip to the midwife ended in a quick labor and delivery: the midwife found that my body was ready to go, and there was a small amount of concern over the baby's heartbeat slowing, so we all figured, why not have the baby today? So she broke my water at 2:00 PM (sorry for the gory details, if you're squeamish) and she was born at 5:05 PM.
Highs: Healthy baby, husband home from Ireland in time, short labor and delivery, sunny room, favorite midwife in attendance.
Lows: Nobody told me about the little button I could push to give myself more epidural medication; as it was, the epidural only worked enough to take the edge off. So now I almost know what it's like to go natural. Also, the new hospital has no nursery! So we didn't get much sleep that first night. Though the nursing staff didn't come to constantly check my vitals all night long like the first time.
By the way, if you didn't get my e-mail announcement, sorry! I tried to get everybody. Let me know if you'd like more gory details (or pictures) and I'll be happy to provide.
Congratulations! I was quite in a panic when I read your post, thinking P wasn't home yet! I'm am very glad he was.
Also, I won't give you a hard time about not sending me an email announcement but I REALLY want to know what you named her!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS! She's adorable - and DB's nickname is better than anything you could have come up with on your own. SO cute!
So fun to read your blog (got it from Beth Bruton). I would love to add you to our private blog list. Please email me your email address and I will send you an invite.
Congrats on the wee one (I had a baby 6 months ago). You look incredibly put together for just delivering!
Oh, my email is:
Amanda Kjar Wilkinson
I am soooo jealous of such a quick delivery! I am glad that things went well for ya. I'll drop by next week with some food for ya, and we'll call that VT for the month ;)! See ya later!
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