Sunday, October 28, 2007

A revised list....

....of song topics that DB has requested at bedtime: presents, diggers, bananas, triangles, "blue", Grandma and Paka, pigs, alligators, broccoli, Popsicles, Sponge Bob, a "Paka get it tiger jump it" song (Grandpa jumps over the tiger???), the "Noo-Noo from Tubbytubbies", "cookies and bogeys" (which are boogers).

Speaking of bogeys, I showed DB a picture of the baby Jesus during sacrament meeting today, trying to be reverent, right? I told him who it was. He pointed at the baby's nose and said, "Big nose. Bogeys." And he tried to pick the baby Jesus' nose. So much for reverence.

Baby's first spontaneous literary quotes: We turned on the moon-shaped lamp in his room for the first time in a while and he said, "Moon...high. Sea...deep. Rock, asleep." ("The moon is high, the sea is deep, they rock and rock and rock to sleep" from The Going to Bed Book.)

Also, he saw a picture in the paper of a rocket and said "One, two, six, nine, Blast off! Faster, faster. Higher, higher. See it, the sky." ("Faster and faster, higher and higher, until the scientists could no longer see it in the sky" from Curious George and the Rocket.)

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