So, we've been sick. But we're finally feeling better, so I can get back to what really matters, like this:
Dangerboy can now sing the alphabet, which is cool. He's invented some new letters, like "el-o-pee" and "double-X," but he's got the basic idea.
I'm loving toddler grammar. Last night at the dinner table, he said, pointing to his face, "Mommy, poke it my cheek this one," meaning "Mommy, poke my cheek." Another example from the other night: "Harry hit it playground the sky," meaning "Harry hit the sky on the playground." (Kind of a cool image, I thought.) Also, when called, or when asked a question he doesn't know the answer to, he responds by saying, "What." Suspiciously, with perfect falling inflection. Like, "What is it this time?"
DB has had interviews with both his parents about their noses. Mine went something like this:
DB: (sitting on my lap, pointing up my nose) What's that?
Me: Bogeys, and nose hairs.
DB: Hair. Soft? (Meaning, can he pet my nose hairs?)
Me: No, you can't touch my nose hairs! Yuck!
DB: (Laughs, continues to look up my nose, points, counting--I assume the hairs, maybe the bogeys) One, two three!
P. taught Dangerboy to sing "Shake your booty" while he brushes his teeth. He does the appropriate dance as well. DB also figured out that he can walk around with his hands in his pockets, if he has them, and if he slouches a little. It's pretty cute. On other days, he tries to imitate me as I brush my teeth, putting one hand on his hip (really, his chest) or folding it under the elbow doing the brushing. Love it.
We usually sing to Dangerboy to calm him down at night. Sometimes he makes requests, and we have to make up songs about them. Here are a few of the topics he has requested: Broccoli; Sponge Bob; Harry/Miles; dirt; birds that poop from the trees onto the ground; poo.
Two fun messes: DB loves chapstick, and once he found some and rubbed it all over our sheets. Did you know chapstick stains? Also, P. took him to watch planes take off from the airport in the car; DB was holding an open bottle of milk from Subway. When the first plane took off, DB got so excited he leaped to the dashboard to get a better look...milk soaked into the seats. Yuck.
Well, that's all for now, other than the fact that he bit two kids in nursery today. That's a first, and hopefully a last.
1 comment:
I can smell the hot milk already! Sounds like you have lots of entertainment and all for free, in your very own home! How lucky are you!
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