Friday, July 27, 2007

Outlander Alert...

For those of you unfamiliar with the vocabulary of my friend John B., outlanders are those who take fantasy one step further and try to make it know, people are seen wearing capes to class, and like to practice sword fighting (if not sorcery) on the weekends. I've never taken things quite this far, but Harry Potter tends to bring out my inner outlander. So here's my little outlander quiz:

1. If you were Sorted, of which house would you be a part? (here's a quiz to find out--the questions are somewhat transparent, but still fun)
2. What shape does your Patronus take? (another quiz, but it's pretty lame)
3. What do you see in the Mirror of Erised?
4. What do you see when approached by a Boggart?
5. Who would you kiss after winning a Quidditch match?
6. Who would you play in the film version of, say, Harry Potter VII (since it includes virtually all the characters)?


Miracle Gro said...

1. If you were Sorted, of which house would you be a part?

I would probably end up in ravenclaw or Slytherin.

2. What shape does your Patronus take?

Probably an eagle or lemming.

3. What do you see in the Mirror of Erised?

Me, holding my PhD and an offer to teach at a nice university.

4. What do you see when approached by a Boggart?

The unemployment line.

5. Who would you kiss after winning a Quidditch match?

The gardener

6. Who would you play in the film version of, say, Harry Potter VII

Well, I can't play anyone since I don't have a british accent, but maybe Aberfroth (sp?).

JohnR said...

I confess to my outlandishness:

1. Ravenclaw.
2. An octopus.
3. Me, autographing books.
4. A zucchini-sized wasp.
5. Tonks.
6. Snape. Or Grawp.

Megan said...

1. Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
2. a beaver or a bee (always busy:))
3. to see my kids succeed
4. endless lists, housework and poopy diapers.
5. Christopher Walken (who took over Filch's place at Hogwarts). Ask Nancy if you don't know...
6. Luna Lovegood

Anonymous said...

1. Grifindoor
2. Huge banana slug
3. Myself--in drag
4. Myself--in drag and glasses
5. Professor Sprout
6. Dobby, or Professor Sprout

ShalottLady said...

1. Gryffindor or Ravenclaw

2. Unicorn (believed in them until I was at least 9)

3. Me traveling the world while wearing flattering, expensive clothes (yes, I really am that shallow)

4. giant salivating cockroaches

5. Sirius (the younger version)

6. Tonks or Hermione

Beth said...

1. I'm a Hufflepuff - finally I know!
2. Definitely a cat, meow.
3. A happy family of my own.
4. Loneliness
5. Hmm, if I didn't have to kiss my husband - definitely Cedric, he's pretty sexy.
6. I'd want to be Hermione, cause I need to be in on all the action.

ShalottLady said...

Wow, love everybody's comments. Beth--Cedric, good choice! I forgot about him. And Megan--you are so Ginny, don't try to get out of it!

The Voice of Reason said...

1. Ravenclaw or Gryffindor
2. Fireflies
3. My toned, flexible body with a degree in one hand and a diamond ON the other
4. Gigantic earwig
5. Definitely Sirius (if he were alive) followed closely by Bill Weasley or Severus Snape.
6. Lilly Potter or Tonks

The Voice of Reason said...

Sorry - I've been ordered to change my answer to #2 to an arabian stallion. Guess the fireflies were novel, but just not me....