Dangerboy has discovered the joy of blankets lately. He loves to hide under them, and coerce his parents into hiding under them with him. Then he says, "Dark, dark." He spent much of General Conference doing this on our bed. Today I found him lying on the kitchen floor on a couple of blankets. I asked what he was doing, and he said, "Sleeping." My favorite was when we tried to have Family Home Evening last night, and we were trying to tell him we were going to say a prayer; usually he'll fold his arms or cover his eyes. That lasted for about a second, so I started the prayer, and before I could say much, DB was lying on the floor with the blanket over his head, "snoring."
I gave DB a job tonight while preparing dinner--he was to put pieces of cantaloupe in the bowl after I cut them up. He was very good at it, but he ate about half a cantaloupe in the process! I should have known, right?
Our family is hanging in there. Peter has started the last quarter of the year; I'm on "spring break" for a couple of weeks (though I still have to work a bit); P. is presenting a paper on an author named Augusta Webster at a conference this weekend; my parents are coming down to visit next week. Should be fun! Love to all.
When I slice up canteloupe for dinner I always eat half of it before it gets into the bowl, too. Canteloupe is just irresistable that way. :)
Caleb will learn the true joy of blankets when he figures out that with them you can build cool forts in the family room. That's when the fun really begins.
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