Sunday, March 18, 2007

Back from Broadway

So, last night was the final performance of "George," as it's affectionately called by those in the know. It was fun, but I'm glad it's over. Finishing work at 11:00 is no fun when you know your day starts at 6:00 or 7:00. When I'd come home from work, I couldn't wind down quick enough to get to bed in time, and I began to get very sleepy.

After several nights of this (and the acquisition of a nasty cold), my mind forgot how to sleep. Sounds like something out of A Thousand Years of Solitude, right? (In that one, I think a whole town forgot how to sleep, and then they forgot everything they knew. I think.) It was bizarre--I was so tired, but my mind just kept working until one night it didn't stop. I took some medication, but all it did was make me not care that I couldn't sleep. I went into the living room to sleep, where I heard a ticking clock, and with each tick, I heard a measure of music from the musical, over and over and over. It was like torture (I removed the clock's battery). After a while, the birds started singing and the sun came up and I got up with Dangerboy. It was so strange to have lived consciously and unwillingly through one-half rotation of the earth, one I'm never witness to. What was even stranger was that I was able to function the next day, and play two shows, though it took a lot of concentration not to miss my cues.

DB news: Church is social time. We walk into the chapel, having prepped him with whispery voices to let him know that we whisper at church, and as soon as we walk in, it's, "SHAW!! MILES!! HARRY!!"--he doesn't even have to see them to know they're there. He saw his friend's father passing the sacrament and knew she must be there somewhere too, and yelled, "GWEN!! GWEN!! GWEN!!" until we took him out. He also lets us know when the hymns are finished, in that silence after the organ has faded: "ALL DONE!!!!"

He comes to me to kiss his owchies, which is wonderful.

I reprimanded him for whacking me in the chest the other day with a quick (dare I say thoughtless?) "Don't whack Mommy's boobs, please." Now when he whacks them, he says "A Bood, A Bood." I know, should have ignored him.

1 comment:

The Voice of Reason said...

Can you hear me laughing all the way from Provo? Aw - gotta love the sponge-like absorbency of little kids!! Hope you're sleeping well again....