Sunday, October 29, 2006


New word: "moon". Either that or he's saying "balloon"--they do look kind of similar.

Daylight savings alert: Dangerboy woke up at 4:00 AM this morning and wouldn't go back to sleep. PLEASE let it be better tomorrow! P. still isn't feeling well, so I'll have to get up with DB again. He did take a nice long nap today though.

New thing: he is becoming more and more attached to his paci, as well as to the stuffed lion and baby blanket in his crib. When I put him down for naps today, he insisted on being able to touch them both AND my hair simultaneously, which was tricky.

Halloween party at the church last night...he looked SO cute in his puppy costume. I'll try and get the pictures out soon. Everyone thought he was adaorable, and he actually kept it on the whole night. He also ate three suckers!

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