New words I have heard Dangerboy say recently(some may be repeats):
Paci (his favorite--he pronounces it "pass" or "bass" (like the fish) or "my pass" or sometimes just "my".)
Pleeeeeeeease (repeated after something he saw on TV).
Baby (really clear! But only on one occasion, repeated several times).
Bubble (repeated after me).
Balloon ("Oon")
Car ("Ka-Ka")
Truck ("Uck"--he has jammies with cars and trucks on them and he always notices when they show up on his body)
Beep (whenever he hears a horn--I don't remember teaching him this)
Uh-oh (old word, new meanings: says it pitifully when he is upset, or obsessively when something has been dropped--he'll say it over and over and over until someone picks it up).
Other stuff: He has a little tradition of running away whenever I bring him into the bathroom to take a bath. Usually he is naked, and he runs knowing I'm going to chase him. He's been sick (bad cold) since about Wednesday and probably has sickened all the other kids we know. Consequently he has been SUPER GROUCHY for much of recent days. Today, not even going outside could cheer him up--he just cried. Usually that works! Poor kid.
As for P. and I--P.'s plugging along in school with not enough time to get everything done. I've had a cough for a week now and it's driving me nuts! Fun stuff: we saw a play (for free!) on Thursday--"To Kill a Mockingbird." Good, but not great. The kids were good but Attucus could have been a little better. On a positive note though, he reminded me of P.'s dad Tom! (He didn't to P. because he could only think of Gregory Peck.) But something about this actor's voice, carriage, and gruff expressions of affection reminded me of Tom. As well as his determination to do the right thing.
P. cleaned the house for me last night. I was sooooooo happy. I was away babysitting and chatting, having had enough of a grouchy baby and a sink full of dishes. Thanks P. the Sweetie!
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