A quiet evening. I wanted a little alone time and I've been meaning to do this for a while. Who knows whether I'll actually keep it up. But I feel a need to keep some sort of record.
Within the past few days Dangerboy--aged 17 months--has figured out how to say "Paci." It frequently comes out, "My Pass," one of the more clear statements he's made, and definitely the clearest request he's made. So now whenever it occurs to him, he can ask for it. And it makes it that much harder to say no.
He continues loving "helping" me do the dishes. Today he also said "bubble" a few times while looking at dish soap bubbles. And before I forget...the other night I put him in his crib, hugged him "night-night" and as I walked out, I heard "bye bye...bye bee" (not a typo...say it out loud, it's soooo cute!) followed by several kissing noises. Yes, my baby is the cutest ever invented.
Finished Jasper Fforde's The Fourth Bear tonight. I still think those books are hilarious. Unfortunately, everyone I try to tell about them think I'm some sort of weirdo for thinking so. I admit they're not deep literature, but they are very clever. The idea for this one came from an actual obscure reference to cucumbers in Gulliver's Travels...harnessing the energy latent in giant cucumbers to generate--yes--culear power, and the bear (in league with the homicidal Gingerbread Man--manufactured by Walmart) who would murder Goldilocks to keep it all a secret. Alas, even explaining it makes me sound like an outlander. Ah well.
Made some good taco salad today. I am loving the farmer's market! Why have I never discovered before really good fresh produce?
I also taught piano today. It's a thin rope to walk...being strict enough so that the kids and parents will respect you, and being fun enough so that the kids don't dread coming to lessons. I'm appreciating really good teachers more and more. To inspire someone to WANT to learn is a very tricky thing. It almost involves tinkering with someone's agency...if you're good, you avoid manipulation. So, I'm making the budding musicians WORK for their Snickers bars, dang it!
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